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Young justice fanfiction nightwing saves the team







































Childish mistakes cause you to be the person in somebodies arms.Immediately the me on the video used my super powers to jump as high as I could so I could catch him and absorb the blow.It doesn't matter that he is no longer on the team; he still wants constant updates on how Nightwing is.His boots, gloves, and shirt were all taken off of him for surgery.Artemis was looking through the videos and pulled out a VHS tape that didn't look too old.To say we are just close is an understatement.I heard the small quiver in his voice when he had said his original statement.All of us slowly got up and made our way to the couches.Wally and Rob were best friends even before the team was formed so they had a very close bond.Then again no one from the original Young Justice team took it well when Nightwing got hurt. EN SAVOIR PLUS >>>















Lesson Learned Chapter 1, a young justice fanfic | FanFiction

Click that Favorites button and Follow.Jason walked into his old room that he had when he was Robin and part of the team.He had on dark gray kevlar with a red bat symbol in the middle of his chest, overtop of his suit was a brown leather jacket.Fairly new to Young Justice fanfics but I really started to like them.The original team gasped but the new team were confused.Another one-shot, sorry if Jason seems too OOC for you're liking.On another note everyone knows Nightwing and Robin's identities.She linked every member up to see Jason's memories. Stay Crazy.Barbara was in her civvies on her laptop typing away intently.Later on into the night Jason got reacquainted with his fellow teammates.Once the team was gathered around Batman stepped to the side to show the new member.He was a little less shorter than Nightwing and was built.Jason looked over to Batman to see him nod his head slightly to let M'gann access his memories.His hair is still the same as it was when he was Robin but now his

For the Team, a young justice fanfic | FanFiction

If the men were aware that he was still conscious, they didn't let on.I love playing 'save the damsel in distress.Keeping the Bat's protege alive had been a dangerous decision, and he wanted the kid out of sight before his nervousness made him change his mind.But Dick had figured out Batman's tactics years ago, and he didn't feel the need to squirm like he had as a child.It was a sloppy job, relative to previous experiences he had, but when the drug wore off, he would be unable to slip his feet through his arms and get his hands in front of him, which was just one more thing making his life more challenging.It was a thin mask for Batman's skepticism of his former partner's competence, in light of the stresses of recent events.Dick knew that, contrary to popular belief, Batman was not deep in thought at this stage. a young justice fanfic.

5 Times Nightwing was Chill and 1 Time he Wasn't, a young justice fanfic | FanFiction

Karen shrunk down and attacked guards where they couldn't see her, leaving a trail of unconscious bodies in her wake.The cavern wasn't dark and dreary like one would expect but painted neon green with light purple accents and violent slashes of neon yellow and orange around the place like a madman had been painting the stone walls.Joker tried to block but Nightwing smacked away his hands with an eskrima stick.He blinked twice to clear the fogginess from his eyes and adjust to the bright light streaming in from a window high up on the wall.Wonder Girl, Zatanna has a glamour charm for you so you can be wonder woman.All of the men in the brightly lit warehouse went back to what they had been doing and waited for the dark squire to arrive.Their jailer looked like he had skipped a week of food, a year of haircuts, and never seen the sun in his life. For the Team.


Look Into The Future, a Batman + Young Justice Crossover fanfic | FanFiction

Superman hovered nervously around Connor before using his X-ray vision to make sure nothing was broken and his heart was still going.Look into the Future The team was milling about the conference room with the cured league; just trying to get things to get back to the way things had been before everything with Klarion and Savage.Manhunter was softly prodding his niece's mind while taking in the shorten hair while Superman was X-raying Superboy making sure nothing was broken.Green Arrow had propped Artemis up against his knee while Red Arrow knelt beside her, fingers pressed to her wrist tightly.Aquaman wavered, not sure if he should approached his partner, what if their relationship had changed in the future.Rocket and Zatanna's bodies were covered in the same white light and it shifted slightly. a Batman + Young Justice.

Someone alert the watchtower and tell them to ready the med-bay.Apparently over the last few months he has been declining in health.Why did you have to be the hero, you shouldn't have saved me, not after everything I've done to you.There were footsteps in the hall again, multiple footsteps.Hurry he needs immediate medical attention.He starts to sprint towards the best friend who is slowing down, ignoring all the screams of his name.Kaldur, I'm so glad you could ?grg- could join our brotherhood.No one seems to understand until a look flashes across Nightwing's face.They make their way to a waiting room where the rest of the team, and surprisingly, most of the league is waiting nervously.I hope you like it! Warning: I'm cautious so I'm going with a T rating.Everyone else was left in silence, never having seen Batman shows so much panic as what was in his steps.That basically makes him unstoppable right, right.All the rest of the team can do is stare as the figures don't get up, until they are all sprinting towards the downed figures as the machine stops spinning.

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Robin vs Team Chapter 1





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